
Hashtags appear to be easy to use. You just throw the most searched for words after the “#” symbol, right?

Well, of course, it isn’t that easy. Which keywords are the most effective? How many hashtags should you use? Should you even be using hashtags anymore?

There’s no one answer to these questions. It all depends on the platform you’re using. Here are some general guidelines on hashtag use.

Hashtags and Instagram:

    • Use 9 to 11 hashtags in the body of your post. You can do more, but there is evidence that the first 11 are the most important- so make those count.
    • Make sure the hashtags are relevant to your post. Don’t use hashtags just because they’re trending. If they don’t fit your content, you might receive a backlash of negative comments, or people may even report your video.

  • If you’re having a hard time coming up with hashtags, try to think not only about your content but your business as well. Where was the video shot? What is going on in the video? Was there specific equipment featured in the video?


Hashtags and Facebook:

  • At most, use only one hashtag in a Facebook post, or use none at all. People don’t often search using hashtags on Facebook, so only use them if you feel they’re necessary. Not using hashtags is better than using them improperly!
  • If you’re cross-publishing from Instagram to Facebook, simply leave the hashtags off the post. After it’s posted, edit the original Instagram post to include the hashtags-. This won’t effect the Facebook post.
  • When SHOULD you use hashtags? Think trending topics like #ValentinesDay.
Hashtags and Twitter
  • As with Facebook, Twitter likes only 1 or 2 hashtags at most.  Again, it’s OK to not use any. 
  • If you do use hashtags, make sure they’re on-trend or brand specific. 
As with all social media, hashtag use is constantly changing and evolving. Every so often be sure to do some research on hashtags, how they’re used, or if you should change us your strategy. 

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