Our Marketing Manager Bunny talks about how video and social media work together. Here are some tips on what to consider before recording your video for social.

  • 80% of all social in the next 2 years will be video. If you don’t have video on your social media or website yet, don’t worry- you can start now.
  • Don’t make your videos too long. The ideal length is as long as 3 minutes, and as short as 30 seconds. Feel this is too short? How long do you spend watching a video on social media before navigating away.
  • Upload videos natively to your social media. It does 8 times better if uploaded natively over sharing a link.
  • For content ideas take a look at what’s trending and see what your competitors are doing to get some inspiration. If you’re still not sure, feel free to reach out to a production company, like Atlanta Media Pros.
  • Make sure the Quality of your video matches the quality of your brand. A production company like AMP can make sure you get quality videos that fit your ideas and budget.

14 + 15 =

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