
Molly is here to talk to you about our Revision process here at Atlanta Media Pros. We want to deliver the best video to you in a timely manner, so we have a system in place to make sure that you get the video you asked for.

Most of our clients get 3 revisions on their videos. But that’s just client revisions. Before you even see it, the video has already gone through an internal revision process. That’s why you, the client will never see a “rough cut”. You’ll see what’s called “Internal Approved”. 

This internal approval and revision process happenes after every stage of a client revision to ensure that your video has been seen by multiple eyes to confirm that there are no mistakes, and that the video is following your vision and desires. 

Here at AMP we want to make sre you’re getting the very best product, and we take as many revision steps as needed to make that happen. 

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