Our Marketing Manager is here to talk to you about the importance of subtitles on your social videos.
You may think of subtitles as something meant for viewers who are hearing impaired. Sure, that’s what they were designed for, but that’s not all that they’re good for. Today, 80% of all video is watched without sound. 
Subtitles are eye-catching, and make people stop and watch when they would have normally just kept on scrolling. It lets the viewer know what’s going on without needing to turn on the sound, which makes them more likely to keep watching, increasing your view length, and improving the odds they’ll like your video and share it with their friends, increasing your engagement. 
Subtitles also add to your SEO. The text for the subtitles is contained in a file within the video, so not only are your keywords present in your title and description, they’re right there embedded in your video itself! 
You might think that it’s hard to subtitle your videos, or that you need special software to do it, but that’s not true; YouTube has an auto-transcribe feature that gets you most of the way there. Just go in and edit for simple things like punctuation and misspelling of names and you’re done! You can export the file and upload them with your video on other social platforms like Facebook and Twitter. 
At Atlanta Media Pros, we can do more than make your awesome videos. We can also help you get the most out of the videos that we produce for you. So reach out to us today and let us help you with your next round of social media video promotion. 

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